News from Middle Prep

Issue #35: 19/04/2024 Barrow Hills School News from Middle Prep, What's Been Happening

Dear Parents,

Welcome back after the Easter holidays! I hope you had a rejuvenating break filled with joy and relaxation.  It was wonderful hearing about all the exciting adventures your children embarked on during the Easter break. From family trips to creative projects at home, it’s heartwarming to see the memories they made during this time.

As we dive into the new term, let’s reflect on the highlights from this week:

Music Exams: We’re proud to announce that several of our children participated in music exams during the break. Whether it was mastering a new piece or showcasing their musical talents, we commend their dedication and hard work.

Year 5 & 6 Parent Exam Preparation Workshop: As we approach the exam season, we understand the importance of providing support and guidance to both children and parents. Yesterday, I held a workshop specifically tailored to parents of Year 5 and 6 children to equip them with valuable tools and strategies for exam preparation. We believe that a collaborative effort between home and school is essential for the success of our children, and we appreciate your active participation in this endeavour.

Year 4: In Year 4, children have launched into their Victorian topic with a lively session exploring artefacts and guessing their uses. Geography lessons now revolve around volcanoes, starting with pinpointing their global locations. In Maths, the focus remains on area and perimeter, while in English, children have showcased their creativity by planning and writing stories based on ‘Message in a Bottle’.

PSHE Lessons on Jigsaw Changing Me Topics: Our children’s Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) lessons have re-commenced, focusing on the Jigsaw Changing Me topics. These lessons provide valuable insights and tools for children to navigate the changes they experience as they grow. Information regarding the curriculum and resources has been sent out to parents to ensure transparency and collaboration in supporting our children’s holistic development.

Cricket and Tennis Trials: Cricket and tennis trials have taken place this week. It’s been fantastic to see our children showcasing their skills, passion, and teamwork on the field and court. Results from the trials will be announced shortly. We’re grateful for the participation and enthusiasm shown by all the children, and we’re excited to see the teams come together for another successful season of sportsmanship and camaraderie.

School Council Meeting with Catering Team: Our school council recently had a productive meeting with the catering team to discuss various aspects of our school meals. They engaged in meaningful conversations about children’s likes and dislikes, brainstormed ideas for new snacks, proposed themes for special lunches, and even suggested organising taste testing sessions. This collaborative effort between children and staff is invaluable in ensuring that our school meals are not only nutritious but also enjoyable for everyone. We’re grateful for the initiative shown by our school council members and the dedication of our catering team in continuously improving our dining experience.

Year 5 Assembly:  We ended the week with an enthusiastic assembly led by 5G on the London Marathon.  Through their engaging presentation, they explored the significance of health, fitness, and perseverance, drawing inspiration from this iconic event. They delved into how this event brings the community together.  I am incredibly proud of their enthusiasm and dedication to the assembly.

We’re looking forward to a productive and fulfilling term ahead, filled with learning, growth, and shared accomplishments. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in your child’s education journey.

Miss Tyrrell
Head of Middle Prep
Deputy Designated Lead (DDSL)

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