News from Pre-Prep

Issue #35: 19/04/2024 Barrow Hills School News from Pre-Prep, What's Been Happening

Welcome back, everyone! It is always a particular delight welcoming our children in on the first day of a new term, full of excitement and anticipation, and now dressed in summer dresses and shorts, heralding the start of summer…we just need the weather to catch up with us! 

You will all have received your year group’s Summer Welcome Letter this week. Please do refer to this for an overview of the curriculum this term, general housekeeping and reminders. Hopefully, this will prove to be a useful document for you to refer to during the term.

Pre-Prep have hit the ground running this week as Nursery to Year 2 have been making their way over to the Art Studio to meet Mrs Waller, our Head of Art, to contribute to their piece for the upcoming Art Exhibition, which will continue into next week. There has also been some fantastic writing from Years 1 and 2 about what they have been getting up to over the Easter holidays, and Reception have been learning all about the importance of oral health.

We had our first School Council meeting of the term today. Ahead of today’s meeting, each class across the school discussed suggestions for the catering team, such as ideas for themed lunches. Today, School Council members met with the catering team to have a chat about food and shared the feedback from their class.

I was pleased to see those who had signed up for our new Handwriting Club arrive on Wednesday morning for our first session. It was an early start at 8am but the relaxed environment, fine tuning our tripod grip with ‘frog on a log’, set us up well for the rest of the day. 

This morning we presented ‘Work of the Week’ certificates to Austin (Reception), James (1R), Ottilie (1G) and Danylo (2G). It’s fantastic to see such great effort from our children in the first week of term. Very well done. 

Swimming starts on Monday for Years 1 and 2 so please remember swimming kits on Monday morning.

Just a reminder to ensure your child has a long sleeved top and trousers at school at all times to wear at Forest School, as arms and legs need to be covered up for the woods.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Barnett 


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