School Notices

Issue #35: 19/04/2024 Barrow Hills School School Notices


We kindly remind you about the following school uniform:

Hair accessories, including scrunchies, should be either burgundy or blue.
Any hair that is below the shoulder should be completely tied back.
Hair should not be dyed.
Children should not have coloured braids in their hair.
All earrings should be small plain studs.

Thank you for your support in enforcing that the children arrive to school in the correct uniform.

Bacon Butty Stall

We politely ask that children do not bring food and hot drinks in to school buildings that have been purchased on Friday morning from the Bacon Butty stall. The food tends to be dropped along corridors and in classrooms and the hot drinks are a concern when being carried around the school – particularly to younger children. Thank you.

Food and Drink in Chapel

We kindly ask that you do not bring food or drink into Chapel, thank you.

Cancellation of Fixtures

If fixtures are cancelled due to adverse weather, please be assured that we will notify you as soon as we are aware of the change.

Term Dates

Term dates can be found on the school website https://www.barrowhills.org/news-events/term-dates/

Absence Request Form

This Absence Request Form must be completed for any reason that a child is not in school, other than illness. These are also found on the Parent Portal. Thank you.


Please can we remind you that the majority of the year group communications are sent via the parent portal on a Tuesday. Communications will vary for each child dependent on a variety of factors e.g. class, gender, sets. The Prep team sheet can be changed at any time therefore we encourage you to check the portal on a regular basis. All school communications are sent via the Bridewell Bulletin.

Bridewell Bulletin

If you have any feedback regarding the new Bridewell Bulletin, please email marketing@barrowhills.org

Social Media

Please like and share the posts on our Barrow Hills Facebook page. Make sure you are seeing our posts by enabling ‘see first‘. Barrow Hills is also on Instagram.

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